Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Free Ice Breaker activity for conference

Six Degrees of Separation
It happens all of the time: we meet someone who knows someone we know. It’s a small world, that’s for sure. The object of this game is to see how small the world really is.
  1. First, find a partner. Introduce yourselves and make a list of five to ten things that you have in common with each other: where you went to school, year you were born, number of years with the company, food likes, sports likes, etc.
  2. Once you have completed your first list, you must find someone else in the room that also has one of those five to ten things in common with you. When you have found that person, repeat step one and develop a new list.
  3. Repeat step two.
  4. Continue until you have met five other people or time is called by the facilitator.
  5. A prize will be given to the first person able to complete the game. When you are done, let the facilitator know that you have finished.
Materials Needed
Allow approximately 15 - 20 minutes for game. Once most people have finished, call time. Ask your winner to reveal his/her chain of separation by introducing those